GOAL: Net zero building emissions. Reduce emissions by 154K MtCO2e.
Goal update
Baseline: 153,964 MtCO2e
2018 Update: 140,973 MtCO2e (8% reduction)
Goal: 0 MtCO2e
All measurements in thousand metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent
Cumulative savings: Since 2010, the Medical Center has saved 182,880 MtCO2e, equivalent to emissions from 21,899 homes for a year.
The Medical Center’s emissions goal focuses on emissions released to provide energy use for buildings. This year, progressive steps were taken to make buildings more efficient and reduce energy use.
Although total emissions increased relative to 2017, emissions and emissions-per-square-foot remain below baseline levels. Emissions increased due to both increased energy use on campus and an increasing utility emissions factor. An emissions factor is the quantity of greenhouse gasses released per unit of energy created and is based on the fuel mix of the electrical utility company. Therefore, a utility that burns more fossil fuels or purchases electricity created with fossil fuels, will have a higher emissions factor than a utility that uses a greater proportion of carbon-free sources such as wind, solar, and hydropower.
2018 Efforts
Energy Curtailment Program.
In the summer of 2018, Facilities, the Office of Sustainability, and LiveGreen Ambassadors were hard at work engaging the entire campus in reducing peak demand. Peak energy refers to the amount of electricity being used at the time of highest usage. Reducing peak saves significant amounts of electricity and keeps costs lower.
Campus Emissions (Total MtCO2e vs. Annual lbs. CO2/sq.ft.)
2019 Projects
Energy Curtailment Program.
Each summer, the Office of Sustainability and the LiveGreen Ambassadors engage the entire campus to help reduce peak demand. Reducing peak demand saves significant amounts of electricity and keeps costs lower.
Solar Energy.
The Medical Center installed 1,487 solar panels in January 2019, which can generate 500 kW of power and reduce emissions by providing zero-carbon energy to the Medical Center. This is the largest rooftop solar installation in Nebraska.